Yesterday, the San Angelo Police Department’s Traffic Section conducted a School Zone Traffic Enforcement Operation utilizing LIDAR in numerous school zones throughout San Angelo from 7 – 8 am. A total of fourteen (14) citations and nine (9) warnings were issued.
Following the School Zone Operation, LIDAR Traffic Enforcement was utilized in the 1700 block of E. Houston Harte from 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. and in the 4200 block of W. Houston Harte from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. A total of fifty-one (51) citations and twelve (12) warnings were issued.
Breakdown for citations:
School Zones
Other/Misc. Violations: 3
No Insurance: 2
Speeding: 9
Warnings: 9
Houston Harte
Speeding: 37 (Highest speed, 86 MPH)
Other/Misc. Violations: 7
No Insurance: 4
Warnings: 12
No DL: 3