This afternoon, the San Angelo Police Department kicked off a 12-month seat belt safety initiative in San Angelo, with a goal to increase seat belt use and save lives.
The program, called Buckle Down & Stay Strapped In, relies on monthly seat belt surveys, existing enforcement of state laws, and extensive education and communication outreach. Buckle Down & Stay Strapped In is a grassroots effort to encourage people to make a habit of seat belt use.
“Buckling down is the single best way to protect yourself in a traffic crash, and wearing a seat belt halves your risk of death or serious injury. We all know this, but the consequences from unrestrained crashes continue to cause suffering in our community. From 2013 to 2015, 9,863 total crashes were reported in San Angelo and 24 of those crashes were fatal. Buckle Down & Stay Strapped In aims to reduce those numbers and raise long-term awareness of this important public safety concern.” — Officer Tracy Gonzalez, SAPD Public Information Officer and Campaign Spokesperson.
During a baseline survey conducted in mid-October, the Department learned San Angelo’s Seatbelt rate was 93.1%, which is 2.65% above the state average of 90.7% percent and 4.25% above the national average of 87%. The highest percentage of people wearing seatbelts in our community were age 25-59 (94.5%), the lowest were age 60 and over (89%).
The San Angelo Independent School District, Live Design & Print and other community partners will lend a hand by promoting seat belt use, sharing the results of monthly surveys, and conducting educational activities. San Angelo Police will continue to enforce Texas’s seat belt law.
Mayor Dwain Morrison and SAISD Public Information Officer Jaimie Highsmith were in attendance.
(Logo created by Live Design & Print)