A San Angelo Police Officer shot a dog that attempted to attack him and an Animal Control Officer during a call at a northeast San Angelo neighborhood this morning.
Just before 10:30 a.m., San Angelo Police were dispatched to the 700 block of Veck Street for the report of a vicious animal problem where two dogs attempted to attack a man as he exited his vehicle. Animal Control Officials were also dispatched to the scene.
Once on scene, a San Angelo Police Officer spoke with the complainant who pointed out two dogs that were in front of a nearby residence. The man told police the dogs charged him as he exited his pickup truck and narrowly avoided the attack by jumping into the truck's bed. Police attempts to locate the dogs? owner was unsuccessful.
Once Animal Control arrived, the officers attempted to locate the dogs, which were no longer in sight. When the officers attempted to locate the dogs behind a residence, one dog aggressively charged towards the officers from an adjacent yard, forcing the Animal Control Officer to strike the dog on its head with a Catch Pole. After being struck, the dog circled around a vehicle and aggressively charged the Patrol Officer at which point the Officer drew his service weapon and fired two rounds at the dog. After the shots were fired, the dog ran away. Attempts to locate the dog were unsuccessful and it was unknown at the time if the two rounds made contact with the dog. The second dog was later located hiding underneath a porch, unharmed. The Officers were not injured during the incident.
Animal Control Officials contacted the owners and requested their presence at the residence. Upon their arrival, they found their dog had returned to the residence and was suffering from a gunshot wound to the face. Animal Control Officials released the dog to the owner and the dog was transported to Los Caballos Veterinary Clinic for treatment. The dog is reportedly undergoing surgery at this time.
Prior to today's incident, San Angelo Police and Animal Control Officials have responded to the location multiple times regarding the dogs. Police believe the dogs were able to leave their yard through a breach in the fence.