On June 6th, 2015, officers were dispatched to the parking lot of 1616S. Chadbourne in reference to an armed robbery that had just occurred. The victim advised that he was approached by a Hispanic male who placed a knifenear his stomach demanding his cell phone, wallet, and jewelry. Thevictim and his companion both complied with the demands from the suspect. The victim pointed out the suspect vehicle to off duty security as the vehicleleft northbound on Chadbourne.
The suspect attempted another robbery in the 200 block of S.Chadbourne. As the officers were gathering information on the secondrobbery attempt Officer Ethan Thomas observed a vehicle matching the suspectvehicle pass by. A very short pursuit ensued until the suspect vehiclecollided with a curb at Oakes and Beauregard. The suspect fled on footnorthbound and was captured outside of Shannon Hospital.
The suspect was identified as Orlando Govea, 10/2/1986. It wasconfirmed through the investigation that Govea was the suspects in the previoustwo events. Govea was booked for Assault by threat, Evading, AggravatedRobbery, and city warrants.