Ten cadets are one step closer to protecting and serving the citizens of San Angelo after graduating from local Police Academy.
On Thursday, April 17, 2014, at 7:00 p.m., the San Angelo Police Department's Basic Police Officer Class 2013-A will participate in a Graduation and Swearing in Ceremony at the McNease Convention Center located at 500 Rio Concho Drive.
The ten (10) graduates who will be sworn are; Abbey Click, Weston Crabtree, Shawn Curran, Matthew Faz, Kyle Green, Eric Hasty, Christopher Herrington, Ramiro Ramirez, Ethan Thomas and Tanner Tumlinson.
The cadets successfully completed an extensive one thousand and ninety-eight (1098) hour academy learning basic law enforcement skills. Following graduation, the Apprentice Police Officers (APO's) will participate in two (2) more weeks of department in-service training before being assigned to a sixteen (16) week Police Training Program. The Police Training Program is designed to teach the APO's how best to use the skills acquired in the academy and in-service training.
The cadets will also participate in the San Angelo Challenge that allows them to meet with and visit community leaders and service organizations that give back to the community. This gives them an outside perspective of what our community has to offer so that they in turn may put this knowledge to use when assigned to the patrol division.
The ceremony is open to the public.