At approximately 5:56 am this morning, Police responded to the 200 block of Westwood for an unknown problem. Upon arrival, Officer Matthew Faz observed a crowd of people standing around a beige 2007 Nissan Altima. The vehicle started to move forward, so Officer Faz put his hands up and told the driver to stop. The driver accelerated. Officer Faz attempted to jump out of the way. The vehicle struck Officer Faz as it sped away. Officer Faz was transported to Community Hospital for treatment for his injuries.
Officer Josh Loudermilk with the Traffic Division and Detective Kelly Lajoie with the Criminal Investigation Division responded to the scene to conduct an investigation.
During the Investigation, the vehicle was located by Tom Green County SO Deputies at the Stripes convenience store at 1616 Howard. Synda Manning was located with the vehicle. Manning had been in the vehicle when Officer Faz was hit. Manning was arrested for Public Intoxication.
Through investigation it was learned the driver of the vehicle had been Jeremy Richard Zapata DOB 7-29-87.
Detectives with the Special Operations Unit responded to assist in locating Zapata. Information led to Zapta being located at approximately 8:20 am in the 900 block of Shiloh. Zapta was taken into custody without incident.
Following the investigation, Zapata was transported to the Tom Green County Jail where he was charged with Aggravated Assault on a Public Servant with a Deadly Weapon.
Officer Faz's injuries were non-incapacitating and he has been released from Community Hospital.