This afternoon, Pastor Richard Evans of the Lakeview Bible Church presented San Angelo Police Officials with a check for $1,355.55 to benefit the Department’s D.R.E.A.M. program.
The funds were raised during a parking event that was held during February’s San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo.
The Drug Resistance Education and Mentoring (D.R.E.A.M.) Program was developed by the San Angelo Police Department in 2008 to address local needs and concerns affecting the youth in our community. Topics such as drug abuse and resistance, bullying, internet safety, and peer pressure are just some of the subjects presented by uniformed officers to approximately 1,000 5th grade students each year in public and private schools throughout San Angelo.
For more information, contact Officer Erica Morris (325) 481-2772.
(Left to right: Community Services Sergeant Tim Coffman, Pastor Richard Evans, D.R.E.A.M. Officer Rodrigo Hernandez, Hit & Run Investigator Steven Quade)