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Dispatch Non-Emergency 325.657.4315



(Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM)
(325) 481-2696


The Department’s Online Reporting feature will become mandatory for certain crimes until further notice (This does not apply to crime in progress). 

They are as follows; theft, simple assault, garage burglary, criminal mischief/vandalism, harassment, lost property (firearms excluded), identity theft, and debit card/credit card abuse.  Please visit http://www.sanangelopolice.org/coplogic for a detailed list of instructions as well as a list of crimes that are not reportable online.

File an Online Police Report

Video Example: How to File an Online Report 

Drivers involved in vehicle crashes with NO INJURY and NO DISABLING DAMAGE (On private or public property) should exchange Driver License information, license plate and vehicle information, insurance information, and complete the Driver's Crash Report.

NOTE: TxDOT Form CR-2: XFA-based and compatible with some versions of Firefox and Safari. Chrome and Edge are NOT compatible. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. If the form does not load in your web browser you can right-click the link > Save Link as... > select a folder on your pc and save the form.  Once the download completes you will locate the file where it was saved and open it directly with Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Reports & Permits

San Angelo Police Department
c/o Alarm Coordinator
401 E. Beauregard Ave
San Angelo TX 76903 

Personal Property

The release of personal property by the Property Release Unit will be made on a case-by-case basis and by appointment only.  Please contact (325) 657-4379.

Remembering the Past.  Looking to the Future.

San Angelo is located in West Central Texas between the Texas hill country to the southeast and the rolling plains to the northwest.  Around the end of the Civil War, settlers began moving West in search of their fortunes.  Realizing its need to protect these citizens from Indians, the government began to establish forts on the frontier.  Fort Concho was established in 1867 at the union of the three rivers in West Central Texas.  The fort was home to mounted cavalry, infantry, and the famous Black Cavalry whose members were respectfully called "Buffalo Soldiers" by the Indians.  A small village by the name of Santa Angela came to life just across the river.  As the village grew into a community, it became a trade center for the many farmers and ranchers who had settled in the area.  In 1889, the Indians moved westward and the soldiers followed, abandoning Fort Concho.  With the agriculture and trade base, Santa Angela later became what is now San Angelo.

The San Angelo Police Department has enjoyed a long history, dating back to the turn of the century.  In 1947, the City of San Angelo elected to assume civil service status for its police department.  This status still stands today.  The Office of the Chief of Police is an elected position whose term is four years.  Our current police chief is Travis Griffith who was elected in June 2024.  The San Angelo Police Department is currently authorized by city ordinance to employ 175 sworn officers.  As of March 2020, the Department employed 159 sworn officers.