On May 28th, 2014, The San Angelo Police Department will host an awards presentation for the Spring 2014 D.R.E.A.M. Essay Contest Winners. The ceremony will take place in the Chief's Conference Room, 401 E Beauregard, at 4:00 p.m.
SAPD D.R.E.A.M. officers Erica Morris and Rodrigo Hernandez selected 22 essays out of 500 written to be considered for placement in the contest. The overall winners were selected by Assistant Police Chief Jeff Fant.
The Essay winners are:
1st Place: Jacoby Sosa
School: Goliad Elementary
Teacher: Mrs. Abbott
2nd Place: Jordan Harris
School: Bonham Elementary
Teacher: Mrs. Elkins
3rd Place: Kira Porras
School: Glenmore Elementary
Teacher: Mrs. Dalrymple
The Drug Resistance Education and Mentoring (D.R.E.A.M.) Program was developed by the San Angelo Police Department in 2008 to address local needs and concerns affecting the youth in our community. Topics such as drug abuse and resistance, bullying, internet safety, and peer pressure are just some of the subjects presented by uniformed officers. Currently two officers teach approximately 1,000 5th grade students each year in public and private schools throughout San Angelo.
(This event is open to the Essay winners, their families and the Media)