On Monday, December 2, 2019, the San Angelo Police Department’s Traffic Section and a Tom Green County Sheriff’s Office Deputy conducted LIDAR Traffic Enforcement in six (6) school zones. A total of twenty-two (22) citations and six (6) warnings were issued.
Following the school zone enforcement, LIDAR was conducted in the 1700 block of East Houston Harte’s westbound traffic. A total of forty-nine (49) citations and four (4) warnings were issued.
Citation Breakdown:
School Zones
Other/Misc. Violations: 3
No Driver’s License: 1
No Insurance: 1
Speeding: 17
Warnings: 6
Houston Harte
Speeding: 43 (Highest speed: 85 mph.)
Driving While License Invalid: 1
Other/Misc. Violations: 5
Warnings: 4
Holiday safety is an issue through mid-January. Many people choose to travel by car during the holidays, which has the highest fatality rate of any major form of transportation based on fatalities per passenger mile. In 2017, 329 people died on New Year's Day, 463 on Thanksgiving Day and 299 on Christmas Day, according to Injury Facts (NSC). Alcohol impairment was involved in about a third of the fatalities.