Sunday, September 24, 2017 — Brandon Gonzalez, 18, of San Angelo, was arrested Sunday evening after he broke into a Northside residence looking for his girlfriend and brandished a firearm.
At approximately 5:50 p.m., San Angelo Police were dispatched to the 3600 block of Bowie Street for the report of an armed subject that was attempting to gain entry. When Officers arrived, they were told the suspect, later identified as Gonzalez, had forced his way inside, pointed a gun at the resident, and fled prior to Officer’s arrival.
Officers converged on the area and a suspect who matched Gonzalez’s clothing and physical description was observed near 37th and Bowie Street. When Officers made contact with Gonzalez he discarded a backpack and ran. During the foot chase Gonzalez retrieved a handgun from his waistband and threw it. The gun was recovered by Officers.
The pursuit ended after Gonzalez jumped a fence and entered a residence in the 3100 block of Bowie Street. Officers surrounded the residence and Gonzalez exited and yelled at Officers to shoot and kill him. Gonzalez eventually surrendered without further incident and was treated at a nearby hospital for injuries he possibly sustained as a result of jumping the fence. After Gonzalez was cleared by medical personnel he was transported to Police Headquarters for interview.
The investigation revealed Gonzalez’s girlfriend, a 17-year-old San Angelo resident, went to the residence on Bowie that was occupied by a female acquaintance. A short time later, Gonzalez went to the residence looking for the girlfriend, forced his way into the home and pointed a gun at the female resident. No one was injured.
Gonzalez was arrested for Burglary of Habitation Intend Other Felony, Evading Arrest Detention, and Unlawful Carrying Weapon and was subsequently booked into the Tom Green County Jail.